Minggu, 18 Mei 2014


Hello readers or anyone who are accidentally lost and arrived at this blog!

Here you can find some stories ( well, it will be mostly pictures actually ) I created after wandering around the beautiful or unusual places. Honestly, I never thought to make a blog before. I am an audio-visual person so writing has been my weakness since school, hehe. Some posts may not have the detailed stories because I have just learned to write recently. Now, realizing that travel also can’t be separated from writing, I’ll try my best to share about what I feel and see to accompany my photographs. I hope that each values that I found from my trip can be the inspirations to encourage you to also see the world.

I haven’t traveled that much to be called a “traveler”. I’m still struggling to make my own living, but the dream of being “A World Wide Wanderer” will never be buried. Therefore, I started by exploring some places nearby or the ones I can afford with my saving.

I use English on my blog so that it’s easier to read by any reader ( I believe most Indonesians are now able to read in English ). I apologize if there are so many grammatical mistakes, hehe. You can point it out and tell me by posting it in the comment section ( don’t worry, I’m an open person btw ) so that later I can edit it into a better writing.

Last but not least, you may find several poems I created from the inspirations of my trip. And for the stories my words failed to describe, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Delivered to you by an ordinary wanderer, here are the tales from parts of the Mother Earth!

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